How to add currency symbols to columns of a table with gt()

In this tutorial, we will learn how to add currency symbols, like US dollars, Euro, UK pound, Indian Rupee to columns of a table using the R package gt.

Let us load gt package to make beautiful tables and tidyverse.


First we will create a simple dataframe/tibble with stock prices of a few companies in USD.

tibble(symbol=c("GOOG", "META", "MSFT"), 
       price = c(168, 465, 425))

## # A tibble: 3 × 2
##   symbol price
##   <chr>  <dbl>
## 1 GOOG     168
## 2 META     465
## 3 MSFT     425

With gt() we can simply convert the dataframe into a simple table.

tibble(symbol=c("GOOG", "META", "MSFT"), 
       price = c(168, 465, 425)) |>
How to add currency symbols like USD $ to column in a table
How to add currency symbols like USD $ to column in a table

Add US Dollar symbol to columns in table with fmt_currency() in gt

With gt package, we can automatically add US dollar symbol $ to numerical columns using fmt_currency() function.

tibble(symbol=c("GOOG", "META", "MSFT"), 
       price = c(168, 465, 425)) |>
  gt() |>

In the example below, fmt_currency() has identified the price column as a column to add US dollar symbol.

How to add US dollar symbol to table with gt()

Add US Dollar symbol to specific columns in gt

We can add US dollar symbol to a specific column using fmt_currency() function in gt package. Now we have to specify the name of the column that we want to add dollar symbol using the columns argument as shown below.

tibble(symbol=c("GOOG", "META", "MSFT"), 
       price = c(168, 465, 425)) |>
  gt() |>
How to add US dollar symbol to specific column in a table

How to add world currency symbols to columns with gt

We can find the list of all supported currency symbols available with gt package using info_currencies() function as shown below.

info_currencies(type = "symbol")

This will list the available world currency symbols and how it looks in a table.

World currency symbols supported by gt()

Adding multiple currency symbols to columns in a table

In the example below, we show how to add a world currency symbol (Indian rupee symbol) in addition to US dollar symbol. We specify the currency symbol of interest, in this example Indian rupee, using currency argument to fmt_currency() function.

tibble(symbol=c("GOOG", "META", "MSFT"), 
       price_USD = c(168, 465, 425)) |>
  mutate(price_INR = price_USD*80) |>
  gt() |>
  fmt_currency(columns=price_USD) |>
  fmt_currency(columns = price_INR,
              currency="rupee" )
Add multiple currency symbols to different columns of a table
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